Monday, October 26, 2015

Iron Food Truck

Design Brief 1: Iron Food Truck Project

You are beginning the “Iron Food Truck” project today. This is where you will be informed of the general process of the project. It has a similar format to certain cooking programs such as Chopped or Iron Chef, and incorporates the standard flow of a graphic design presentation.
There will be three segments to the program for each group, leading to a total of four presentation phases including an intermission after the first two. There will be a host and judges, just as in the TV show.
The first segment is the presentation phase, where the active group will be presenting their food trucks and entire concept. This will be the presentation aspect of the program which will be graded. There will be different aspects of the presentation including specific content (i.e. Business, convenience, style)
The second phase will be the food service phase. Each member of the group will provide a sample of a representative dish from their truck.  As the dishes are placed in front of judges, and as they eat the samples, the presenter will describe their dish and elaborate on it. You will be given a separate score for this phase where grade will be based on Taste, Presentation/Styling, Creativity/Originality, and the official Description (copywriting). After describing the dish and after the judges have finished your sample dish,  each group member will be given one minute to say any comments they may have regarding the dish.
The third phase is the conclusion where the active group will wrap up their presentation with any finishing comments. No grading is required for this part. During this phase, the judges will tally up the points from the second phase and give them to the host.